Calculation Tools
Bolt Hole Circles
Circle Calculations
Compound Miter
Countersink Depth
Cutting Hemispheres
Cutting Keyways
Density Data
Drills & Threads
Gear Cutter Buttons
Spur Gears
Hexagon Dimensions
Lathe Speeds
Lathe & Mill Speeds
Making Links
Railroad Gage
Taper Pins
Wire Gage
Lathe Cutting Round Grooves
Lathe Cutting Bezier Grooves
Measuring Dovetails
Tool Chest Organizer
Frame for Not Ferguson's Orrery
Wooden Rings from Veneer
A File Handle for Jeweler's Files
An Orrery Similar to Ferguson's: Design and Gears
Making Wedges
Calendar Puzzle Made with the Pantograph
A Pantograph for Engraving
An Optical Center Punch
Dial Test Indicator Fixture
Rotary Table Extensions
Hammered Copper Mantle Clock
A Scribing Block from a Kit
Putter Modification
Rule Holder
Stickley Style Floor Lamp
Magnolias for Sandy's Birthday
Making D&D Dice
Etching D&D Dice
D&D Dice Box
Sine Bar
Internal Diameter Gage
Screw Holder
Infinity Cube
Bolt Action Pen
Finishing the Dulcimer
Banner in Wood
Yo-yos for the Grandsons
Hammer for Setting and Adjusting
Coasters from Scrap
Rotary Tool Base
Legless Table Repair
A Boom Box for Rhea
Illusion in an Altoids Box
Lathe Spindle Stop for the South Bend
Marquetry Dancer for Rhea
Holder for Barbecue Tools
Racks for the Restored Golf Clubs
Holders for Backgammon Pieces
Backgammon Pieces
Backgammon Board
Feed the Monkey Puzzle
Completing Projects from Marquetry Class
Notes from the Marquetry Class
Three Jigs for Picture Frames
Customizing a QCTP Base Plate
Restoring Bud's Old Golf Clubs
Dial Indicator Holder for the QCTP
Completing a Vacuum Press
Completing Bandsaw Boxes
A Case for the Microscope
From Stud to Die to Gear Cutter Holder
Restoring a Microscope
Plane Cap Screw
Mounting a DRO on the South Bend
Octominoes Puzzle
Sliding Hammer Punch
Repairing a New Plane
Tensegrity Table
A Finial for the Grandfather Clock
Another Packing Puzzle
Roses for Valentine's Day
Slotting Attachment via Fusion 360
Geared Business Card
Slip-On Stud for a Spotting Drill
Monkey wrench restoration
Picture Holders
Woodturning Tool Holder
Marble Run
Hollow Auger Restoration
Tool Rest Mount
Greene & Greene Side Table
Square Punches
Keyhole Cube
Bull Shit Grinder
South Bend Lathe Repairs
Tippy Top
Drill Press Speed Reducer
Drill Press Sharpening Station
Dremel Tool Holder
Bell Center Punch
Swiss Cross or Two Piece Puzzle
Heirloom Tools
Sliding Bevel Gauge
A Cubic Dissection in Three Parts
Fixing the Weight Bench
A Keychain Lock for Rhea
Box Shelves for Sandy and Erin
Puzzling Gifts for the Brother's-in-Law
A Mathematical Creation in Wood
Making Wizard Staffs for the Grandsons
An Attempt to Fix the Elbow Engine
Using Bob's Drill Sharpener
A Custom Finger Plate for the Water Droplet
Putting the Orrery Together
An Adjustable Marking Tool
Picture Hangers for the Quilling Frames
Making Two Frames for Rhea's Quilling
Making the Base for the Orrery
Remaking the Orrery Worm & Wheel
Etching the Orrery: Take 3
Remaking the Sun Clock
Two Marking Knives
An Awl for Class
Framing a Mirror
Etching Printout & Etching Part 2
Repairing a Toy Rotor
A Soft Faced Machinist's Hammer
A Backdrop for Lily & Kevin's Wedding
A Handle for the Scupper Tool
A Wooden Model of a Fishing Schooner
Bolt Puzzle
A Wood and Brass Train Whistle
A Tiny Tap Wrench
Intersecting Tetrahedrons Redux
3-Piece Puzzle
Making a Saddle Stop for the SouthBend
Notes from Joinery I
Making a Revolving Tool Station
Etching the Orrery
Printing Resists for the Orrery
Scraper Sharpening Jig
Sjoberg's Vise for Wide Boards
Learning to Use the Shaper
Sliding Cube Puzzle
Name Plate for the Machinist's Tool Chest
Notes from Engraving Class
Support Bracket for Drawer in Pantry
Countersink Holder
Orrery Planets, Sun & Moon
Lathe Alignment Tool & Holder
Making a Clamp for the Dremel
Learning how to place mirrored text around a circle
Making the Slothouber-Graatsma Puzzle
Making a Sphericon
Making a Table for the Foot Stool
Learning to Use the Atlas Shaper
Decorating the Orrery
Making a Machinist's Tool Chest
Making a Suspended Chime
SB Taper Pin for the Tailstock
Dodecahedron Door Handle
Making Rudy's Overcrank Engine
Making an Accurate Protractor
Making a Prick Punch
Dodecahedron Little Free Library
Water Droplet Automaton
Sherline Cube
South Bend Lathe Rebuild Summary
Fisher Price Drill Repair
Orrery Handle
Rotary Table Adapter
Handle for SB Vertical Milling Table
Worm Bearing Blocks
Orrery Odds & Ends & Assembly
A Cabinet for the Garage
A Saddle Boring Bar
A Reliquary for Mom's Ashes
Planet Rings
Lathe Milling Table
Orrery Ring Hubs
Double Ended South Bend Wrench
Orrery Columns
Orrery Frame
Worm Wheel Reprise
Worm Gear
Orrery Gears
Orrery Overview
Worm Wheel
Worm Gear Prototype
Guided Die Holder
South Bend Belt Extender Shaft
Tee Nut for Lantern Tool Post
New End for South Bend Cross-slide Shaft
Pin Wrench
Gear Cutting with Sherline Dividing Head
Intersecting Tetrahedra Redux
Slitting Saw Mandrel
Intersecting Tetrahedrons
Nut Cracker
Gear Cutter Holder
Metal Monster
Phone Adapter Clamp
Sensitive Drilling Jig
Pins for Kevin's Knives Redux
Indexable Insert End Mill
Stock Nuts
Gear Cutting
Jewish Star
Brass Pins for Kevin's Knives
Jewish Star Jig
Bottle Cap
Ferguson's Orrery
Ball Adder
Long Tee Nut
Baby Rattles
Mill to Drill Adapter
Tool Grinder Rest
Chuck-Dividing Head Extension
Jacob's Chuck Adapter for Dividing Head
Lathe Carriage Stop
Skeleton Key
Sundial Parts
3-Cylinder Engine
Radial Engine
Knurling tools
Finger Plate
Adjustable Square
Taper Removal Tool
Machinist's Clamps
Angle Plate
Triangle Setup Tool
Quick Change Stops
Tee Nuts
Vee Blocks
Positioning Bars
Cylindrical Squares
Hinges for Tea Box
Slitting Saw Holder
Machinist's Clamps
Chiarello Repair Project
Die Holder
Finger Engine
Schmidt Coupling
Screw Cut-off Jig
Brass Whistle
Tangential Tool Holder